實施時間 |
實施範圍 |
5/17(一)~5/30(日) |
全校課程全面採「線上教學」 |
註1: 近日返回台北市、新北市的教師與學生,一律以線上教學與線上學習,並請於居住處加強健康管理。
註 3: 教師須落實防疫點名,記錄學生上課狀況,課堂全面配戴口罩,維持「梅花座」,並請錄製課程影音教材供學生複習。
註 4:實驗、校內實習課程如無法進行線上教學,可延後上課或擇期安排補課。
註 5: 課程評量、相關考試、口頭或書面報告請以線上繳交或延後施行。任何上課或考試模式的改變,務必將訊息公告於moodle平台等,讓修課學生詳知。
註 6: 本學期6/28-7/2 (第18週)為本學期彈性教學週,請善用此週完成調補課課程,教務處亦將延長期末成績登錄時間,請老師維持課程教學品質。
(1) 線上教學期間,每日於中國醫藥大學「自主健康狀況回報系統」回報健康狀況。全校師生避免出入公共場所,盡量不要外出,如需外出應全程配戴醫用口罩。
(2) 防疫期間學生如有發燒、咳嗽、呼吸急促、腹瀉、失去嗅覺、味覺等相關症狀,應避免外出,並立即與健康中心聯絡(分機1250、1258)。
(3) 學生若採現場聽課,有(2)之病狀,請盡快聯絡就醫、線上請假。
Starting from May 17, all courses will implement the online teaching measures
Implement date: May 17 (Monday) to May 30 (Sunday)
- Teachers and students who have recently been to Taipei City and New Taipei City, please adopt online teaching and learning, and start a self-health management at home.
- Teachers who did not visit Taipei City and New Taipei City, please come to the campus to give lectures. Students who have not recently been to Taipei City and New Taipei City can choose to attend the lecture on-campus or do online self-learning. If you choose to do “online self-learning”, please do check the “online self-learning” box in Student Information System.
- Roll call shall be made in courses. Please wear a mask all the time in courses and keep social distances. Teachers shall record the courses for students to do online self-learning.
- For laboratory courses and internship courses that have difficulty be taught online, the course can be suspended temporarily and make-up courses can be arranged at a later date.
- Homework, reports, exams and other related evaluation for the courses shall be submitted online or be arranged at a later date. The lecturers should make it clear to the students regarding the implementation of learning assessment measures for the online teaching and remind the students to pay attention to any latest updates on the Moodle System.
- The 18th week of this semester (June 28-July 2) is the flexible teaching week. Please make good use of this week to complete the courses. Office of Academic Affairs will extend the time for uploading the students’ final grades. Teachers shall maintain a good teaching quality for all courses.
Other important notices:
- Make sure to report your health condition to the CMU Health Report System every day. Please avoid going to public spaces. If you really need to go out, please wear a mask all the time.
- If you feel unwell with fever, cough, shortness of breath, unexplained diarrhea, or loss of sense of smell and taste, please avoid going out and report to the Health Center immediately. (Ext. 1250, 1258)
- Students who attend courses on-campus have the above symptoms, please seek for medical help and apply for leave online.
The implementation will be adjusted according to the latest resolution of the CMU Epidemic Prevention Team, in accordance with the announcement of the Central Epidemic Command Center.