Dear CMU students,
Due to the increasing number of confirmed cases and the severe pandemic situation, Taiwan's community is already at high risk. There are many CMU members that have been to the venues visited by confirmed cases or been to Taipei City and New Taipei City recently. Therefore, if you or your classmates have symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, unexplained diarrhea, or loss of sense of smell and taste, please do inform the Health Center (04-22053366 ext. 1250、1251) or the Campus Security (04-22022205), we will assist you to get COVID-19 testing in CMU Hospital.
According to the regulations of the Minitry of Education, the university must make report after the COVID-19 testing, so please do cooperate with us. In addition, during the online teaching period, please reduce unneccessary movement, avoid attending activities or gatherings, and avoid traveling to and from the Level 3 alert area (Taipei City and New Taipei City). A successful epidemic prevention work relies on cooperation from each one of us.
Please do cooperate and comply with the above regulation. Thank you for your cooperation and effort to protect the health of all CMU members and our family.
因應國內COVID-19疫情日益嚴峻,今日本土確診人數333例,再創新高,社區具高度傳播風險,目前學校有學生足跡與感染者重疊,或有雙北旅遊史,如您自己或身邊同學有接觸史或同時有發燒、咳嗽、腹瀉等症狀而進行武漢肺炎採檢時,請務必立即通知健康中心衛保組 (04-22053366分機1250、1251)或校安中心(04-22022205),學校將會協助您或同學至本校附設醫院進行篩檢。依據教育部規定,若採檢後,學校須於24小時內通報教育部校安中心,請同學們務必協助配合學校完成通報。另外,線上課程期間,一定要時時提醒您自己或身邊同學減少不必要移動、活動或集會及往返雙北三級疫區,以降低傳染風險。校園防疫、人人有責,感謝大家一同努力守護自己、家人及校園的安全!