NEW!!重要公告Important Notice-(請勿刪除)疫情警戒提升,70以上(含)課程,教務處公告因應措施

2021-05-12 (All day)


3、恢復嚴謹課堂出缺席紀錄,含線上自主學習學生,學生向健康中心報備後,不列入缺席紀錄 。未向健康中心報備、課堂點名未到的學生 ,
4、室內課程一律配戴口罩,並維持通風。室外課程若無法保持1.5公尺社交距離之課程,也必須佩戴口罩。 若有無法戴口罩的戶外課程,



生活的防疫措施。多一份準備、多一份保障,讓我們一起守護彼此的健康平安。敬祝 平安!


教務處 敬啟

  Important Notice: Epidemic Prevention Measures for Courses over 70 Enrollments

1.Lecture courses over 70 enrollments shall implement the flexible online teaching measures.
2.Laboratory courses over 70 enrollments shall break into smaller classes and implement online teaching.
3.Roll call shall be made in courses. For students that made report with the Health Center to do online self-learning,
  there will not be an absence record. Those did not make report but cannot attend the course on-site shall apply for the
  leave on the system.
4.Please wear a mask all the time in indoor courses and keep good ventilation. For outdoor courses, if there is difficulty 
  keeping the 1.5m social distance, please also wear a mask. For outdoor courses with difficulty wearing a mask (ex. physical 
  education courses), be sure to keep social distances.
5.Courses shall be uploaded to the Moodle system for students to review.

  Courses over 70 enrollments will implement the flexible online teaching measures. Students can choose to come to the campus
(on-site learning) or learn online (online self-learning). The lectures will track the learning status of each student. For those
 who choose “online self-learning”, their absence from the on-site class will not affect the conduct grades, nor will it be shown
on the transcripts. Important notice for students, if you choose “online self-learning”, please do check the Student Information 
System for your records of class attendance. In case the record shows “absence without leave”, please do check the “online self-learning” box, 
so that your record of “absence without leave” will be overridden. Otherwise, your status will always be “absence without leave”.(From May 13)

 The lecturers should make it clear to the students regarding the implementation of the flexible online teaching measures, 
as well as homework, reports, exams and other related evaluation for the courses. In addition, please do remind the students 
to pay attention to any latest updates on the Moodle System.

 Due to the severe pandemic situation, please practice good personal hygiene by frequently washing your hands, wearing a mask and 
not attending any public gathering. Let’s work together to protect each other’s health.

Office of Academic Affairs