New-110-1學期 教學上課方式 公告 (9/27起)Teaching Measures for the Fall Semester 2021 (Starting from September 27)

2021-09-22 18:25

110-1學期 教學上課方式 公告 (9/27)


一、實施時間:9/27(一) ~中央疫情指揮中心或教育部之最新疫情措施公告日止。


1、室內課程維持社交距離(2.25平方米/人),採固定座位、固定成員且人數上限 為80人。











2、配合實聯制施行,全校師生進出教室或其他校內公共場所均得掃描場域QR code。




機 電 室:校園教室設備硬體問題(如聲音無法輸入或輸出)分機英才1440、水湳1441

教 務 處:其他教學情境操作疑問(如板書教學、桌面錄製、畫面分享)分機1186、1187、1188



教務處 暨 研究生事務處  敬啟

Teaching Measures for the Fall Semester 2021 (Starting from September 27)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, starting from the third week of the semester (September 27), the hybrid measures -“Simultaneous Rotation of In-Person and Online Courses”
will be adopted with the following regulations:

1.Time period: September 27 (Mon) till there is new pandemic prevention regulation announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center or the Ministry of Education

2.Classroom capacity (according to the regulation of CDC level 2 alert):
  (1)The capacity for lecture classroom is estimated to be 2.25 square meters per person and limited to maximum of 80 people, with fixed seat and fixed members.
  (2)Eating and drinking are not allowed during the lecture.
  (3)Classrooms shall maintain good ventilation and be disinfected regularly. If any equipment is used in class, they need to be properly disinfected as well.
  (4)Outdoor courses are limited to maximum of 300 people, and it must meet the social distance of 1 meter.

3.Teaching measures:
 (1)Depending on the classroom capacity, if all the enrolled students can be accommodated in the assigned classroom, students shall come to the campus for an in-person class.
     If not, students shall split into groups and take turns to engage in the course both in-person and online. Roll call shall be made for both in-person and online portion.
    Teachers shall pay attention to the students’ learning condition to keep the teaching quality. Students with special circumstances that cannot attend the in-person course 
    (e.g. international students that haven’t arrived Taiwan, students under quarantine or self-isolation, or other special conditions), please inform the instructor and take the 
    course online. Teachers shall not force those students to come to the campus for face-to-face class interaction. If students have both in-person and online courses during the
    same day, students can make utilize the empty classrooms, self-study rooms, library and other spaces.
 (2)For the in-person and online course rotation, please make weekly rotation according to the number of enrolled students. Teachers can make adjustment according to the teaching plan.
    For example: Students with singular student ID shall take the in-person portion on singular weeks, and on even weeks take the course online; and vice versa.
(3)Laboratory courses, on-campus internship courses, and outdoor courses may be taught face-to-face. However, the number of students that are physically in classes shall abide to the
    regulation for classroom capacity.
(4)To help students (especially freshmen) become familiar with the online learning system, all teachers shall announce the class teaching measures on the Moodle platform before
    September 24. Teachers shall provide students with sufficient information for learning and evaluation, and pay close attention to the students’ learning condition.

4.Other important notices:
 (1)It is mandatory to wear a mask all the time while staying on campus.
 (2)Please do register in the real-name registration system. All teachers and students must scan the QR code when entering the classroom or public spaces on campus.
 (3)When the air-conditioner is on, the classroom doors can be closed, but windows at the diagonal corners of the classroom shall be opened to maintain good ventilation.
 (4)If any problem occurs during class, please call the following office in charge: 
    Information Center: For software (Moodle, Moocs) and network problems (Ext 1606, 1596)
    Electromechanical Office: For classroom equipment and hardware problems (Ext 1440-Yingcai campus, 1441-Main campus)
    Office of Academic Affairs: For other teaching operation problems (Ext 1186, 1187, 1188)

5.The above regulation will be subject to change and be adjusted according to the latest announcement by the Central Epidemic Command Center and the Ministry of Education.
  Any changes will be announced one week prior to its implementation.

Academic Affairs/Graduate Student Affairs